Hello! My name is

Gabriel Paulos

NFT Collection (Free to Mint)

Link for Github project

The link above is a github project that mints a free NFT for you from my first smart contract. Copy the project into Repl.it and run it. Once live follow the instructions on the website to mint a project to one of your Crypto wallets. Make sure your wallet is connected to MetaMask.


My name is Gabriel Paulos

I'm a third year computer engineering student at UofT whose focus is on software and artifical intelligence. Currently, I am looking for projects that I can join for my PEY (Professional Experience Year) that will spark my imagination. During the pandemic I co-founded Depactor, a security startup through UofT's Hatchery Nest Program. Despite not being a great success, it sparked my current interest in applying artifical intelligence to help solve the inefficencies in our world. On my free I enjoy exploring/making art and playing soccer.

Get In Touch

Contact Me

If you have anything to say, feel free to send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!